Endodontics in Rockville

Thank you for your interest in Centreville Endodontics. Proudly serving the entire Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia region, we are a specialty practice limited to endodontics. Our expert team, led by respected endodontic specialists Dr. Prashant Verma, Dr. Ali Nosrat, Dr. Omid Dianat, Dr. Edward J. Strittmatter, Jr., Dr. Michael Pascal, Dr. Binait Kabir, Dr. Hassanain Zaheer , and Dr. Abdul Essaedi, includes an experienced endodontic staff. We provide the highest standard of endodontic care in a friendly, professional environment. By referring you to our office, your dentist has shown their concern that you receive the finest endodontic care possible. Our goal is to provide unsurpassed quality in a compassionate environment of professionalism and clinical excellence. We hope to exceed all of your expectations. The office of Centreville Endodontics is conveniently located near Rockville, MD.

Endodontics in Rockville

Today’s advanced endodontic treatments and materials can give you a healthier, more complete smile that can last you a lifetime. Your Centreville, VA Endodontists, Dr. Prashant Verma, Dr. Ali Nosrat, Dr. Omid Dianat, Dr. Edward J. Strittmatter, Jr., Dr. Michael Pascal, Dr. Binait Kabir, Dr. Hassanain Zaheer , and Dr. Abdul Essaedi, can help revitalize and maintain your teeth and gums, giving you the smile you’ve always wanted. Centreville Endodontics provides complete Endodontic care and can give you the smile you want using:

Root Canal in Rockville

A root canal is one of the most common dental procedures performed, well over 14 million every year. This simple treatment can save your natural teeth and prevent the need of dental implants or bridges. At the center of your tooth is pulp. Pulp is a collection of blood vessels that helps to build the surrounding tooth. Infection of the pulp can be caused by trauma to the tooth, deep decay, cracks and chips, or repeated dental procedures. Symptoms of the infection can be identified as visible injury or swelling of the tooth, sensitivity to temperature or pain in the tooth and gums. If you experience any of these symptoms, your dentist will most likely recommend non-surgical treatment to eliminate the diseased pulp. Centreville Endodontics provides root canal therapy to Centreville and surrounding areas.

Apicoectomy in Rockville

Generally, a root canal is all that is needed to save teeth with injured pulp from extraction. Occasionally, this non-surgical procedure will not be sufficient to heal the tooth and your endodontist will recommend surgery. Endodontic surgery can be used to locate fractures or hidden canals that do not appear on x-rays but still manifest pain in the tooth. Damaged root surfaces or the surrounding bone may also be treated with this procedure. The most common surgery used to save damaged teeth is an apicoectomy or root-end resection.

What is an Apicoectomy?

An incision is made in the gum tissue to expose the bone and surrounding inflamed tissue. The damaged tissue is removed along with the end of the root tip. A root-end filling is placed to prevent reinfection of the root and the gum is sutured. The bone naturally heals around the root over a period of months restoring full function. Centreville Endodontics provides Endodontic Surgery to Centreville and surrounding areas.

Endodontics Locations

Centreville endodontists Dr. Prashant Verma, Dr. Ali Nosrat, Dr. Omid Dianat, Dr. Edward J. Strittmatter, Jr., Dr. Michael Pascal, Dr. Binait Kabir, Dr. Hassanain Zaheer , and Dr. Abdul Essaedi offer Endodontic Services to the following Maryland and Washington DC area communities:

Online Map & Driving Directions to our Office:

Centreville Endodontics
13880 Braddock Rd Suite 307
Centreville, VA 20121

Centreville Endodontics Phone Number 703-815-ENDO (3636)

Online Map & Driving Directions

If this is the first time you have visited our Centreville office, the mapping service below will assist you in finding our location. Simply fill out the form below, and you will be presented with directions that include a map, the travel time, and distance. If you need any additional information, please contact us at Centreville Endodontics Phone Number 703-815-ENDO (3636).

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